Your 2022 Reset: A New Year with New Opportunities

As the new year approaches, it’s the perfect time for a reset.

Let’s begin with a quick level set. 2021 was supposed to be the year where all of 2020’s chaos subsided, and we got back into our routines. The goal was to cross the COVID finish line and return to some of the pre-pandemic patterns we loved while continuing to leverage some of the new things we learned in 2020. That was the goal…

For some, COVID decided to move that finish line in 2021 and then continue moving it. It was frustrating. For others, 2021 was a fantastic year filled with success and wins. It was amazing. We all experienced the past year differently.

With that in mind, look back on 2021 and ask yourself these questions:

  • What worked, and what didn’t?
  • Where did we create breakthroughs, and where did we get stuck?
  • What goals did we reach, and which ones that we missed will we bring into 2022?
  • What do we want more of, and what do we want less of?
  • Where did we create wins, and where did we experience losses?
  • What distracted us or pulled us off track?
  • Where did we grow?
  • What lessons did we learn?

Reflecting on those questions and taking inventory will position you perfectly for your 2022 reset. Whatever your 2021 experience, now is the perfect time to shift gears. Remember these three things as you look forward…

  1. Your past performance doesn’t dictate your future results.
  2. You don’t have to repeat what didn’t work in 2021. You get to repeat what did.
  3. You can’t control the circumstances, just how you react to them. Show up well.


2022 is a new year filled with new opportunities. Whatever your 2021 experience, we hope that 2022 is prosperous, successful, and a year of growth for each of you. So, over the next few days, take a breath and allow yourself and your teams to reset. Learn your lessons from what’s behind you and set your vision on what’s in front of you.

From all of us at OrangeBall to all of you, Happy New Year!

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