I’m Not a “Habits” Kind of Person…

“I’m not really a ‘habits’ kind of person. They’ve never really worked for me.” Really? So you don’t brush your teeth every day and shower? You don’t stop at some point to eat dinner or take your daily walk with the dog? Rethink that for a second. Maybe you actually are a “habits” kind of person.

Here’s a reality check… We all are. Each of us has naturally picked up habits and daily rituals along the way that we repeat over and over again. Some of those habits are healthy and productive, and others take us off track and pull us in the wrong direction. The key is identifying which is which and then making the tweaks to our personal and professional habits that will move us in the direction we want.

With that in mind, here’s a quick exercise to do. Grab a piece of paper, place it in front of you the wide way, and make three columns. Label the left side Positive Habits, the middle Negative Habits, and the right side Habits I Wish I Had. Then, spend a few minutes thinking about your habits and drop them into their appropriate column. To help you, here are some questions to ask yourself…

Positive Habits

  • What habits are helping maximize my time? A daily to-do list?
  • What habits are healthy for me? Walking the dog outside?
  • What habits are moving me toward my goals? Weekly team meetings?
  • What habits are good for my relationships? Date nights?
  • What habits are helping grow our business? Monthly client check-ins?

Negative Habits

  • What habits waste my time? Scrolling through Instagram or TikTok?
  • What habits are not healthy for me? That potato chip addiction?
  • What habits are pulling me backward? Overspending?
  • What habits are bad for my relationships? Saying “no” too often?
  • What habits are slowing our business growth? Saying “yes” to everything?

Habits I Wish I Had

  • More responsive in my communicating.
  • Consistency in going to the gym.
  • Weekly networking with other professionals.
  • Cooking one new meal each week.
  • Reading one book a month.
  • Scheduling more time with family and friends.
  • Making my bed.
  • Journaling

Once you’re done with this quick exercise, what’s next? First, pick one positive habit you want to go all-in on for 2022. Next, choose one negative habit you want to kill in the new year. And finally, pick one habit you wish you had and start to work on it. Start doing the work today and see what you can accomplish in the coming year!


You already know you’re a creature of habit. We all are. Often, those habits are something we unintentionally fall into. This year, get intentional about making your habits work for you, not against you. Maximize a good habit, kill a bad one, and add a new one!

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OrangeBall Insights has always been a place to share ideas, explore our purpose and leadership, and chat a little bit about marketing. If this resonated and you’d like to receive weekly ways to bounce higher every day, subscribe here.