Be There, Play, Make Their Day, Choose Your Attitude

Years ago, we got acquainted with the book FISH! Based on filmmaker John Christensen’s encounters at the Seattle Fish Market, the book unpacks how the hard work of packing and throwing fish became a successful business and a great workplace culture. Through his visits to the market and interviews with the team, Christensen unlocked four simple (powerful) practices that impact culture creation…

Be There
Show up and be emotionally present for the people you work with, whether they are clients, customers, or coworkers. Too often, it’s easy to become robotic in our work. We show up, focus on our to-do lists, and get laser-focused on what we need to get done. In the middle of that, we can miss those opportunities to slow down, connect, and listen. We miss our chance to be there for the PEOPLE we work with because we’re too focused on all the stuff we need to do. Being there takes what can feel very transactional and makes it relational – it’s a game-changer.

Find ways to incorporate fun into your work. In a do-more-with-less economy, where there is pressure to create results, play can feel like a “nice-to-have” frill. It couldn’t be further from the truth. Play, when we incorporate it into our work, is what fuels curiosity and innovation. It’s what creates bonds within teams and develops relationships built on joy and passion rather than simply needing to rely on one another.

Make Their Day
When you’re interacting with a client or customer, what are you doing to make their day? What’s that memorable moment you’re creating that will make them feel important, cared for, and like more than a number? Ask yourself those same questions about the people on your team – the ones you lead and those you work side-by-side with. Look for ways, within every interaction the day brings you, to make someone’s day.

Choose Your Attitude
From the time your feet hit the floor in the morning until you crawl back into bed at night, choosing your attitude is essential. We all have “stuff” – challenges, struggles, and frustrations. We have people who drive us nuts and tasks we need to do that we don’t enjoy. Our attitude, when things are good and when they’re bad, is what defines the outcomes of our days – mindset matters.

All four of these practices translate easily from our offices and workplaces to our homes. Whether it’s with our family or our friends, the benefits that come from intentionally practicing these four simple concepts are immense.

When we’re intentional about incorporating them into our days, these four practices will be a catalyst for improved performance, results, and cultures. At first glance, they may seem too simple to be valuable, but our challenge to you is this… Try them, and see what happens.

Curious about FISH! the book? You can find it here. 

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