Be the Change

In this morning’s team meeting (our virtual water cooler sessions), Ciara from our team shared something that hit us all. In her words, “For 2021, I’ve embraced the idea of being the change I want to see in the world. I know that sounds cliche, but I realize that I have power over me and how I show up, and I’m going to work on that this year.”

We’re just a few weeks into the new year. As much as we all imagined (or maybe wished) that January 1st would magically “be the change” for us, we’ve all seen that merely changing the calendar page doesn’t change our realities. The world is still full of challenges. The news is still full of dark noise. There’s still a lot of negativity for us to wade through.

Ciara’s right, though. We CAN be the change we’re seeking. As hard as it is to look at all the significant challenges our world is facing, the reality is that change begins with how each of us shows up as individuals. We have power over how we lift one another up, the effort we put into delighting our customers, and the ways we inject positivity and light into a dark, negative world.

It’s an exercise in being intentional. The challenges aren’t going to just fade away. They’re going to keep popping up, big ones and little ones. It’s up to each of us, as individuals and leaders, to decide what we’re going to do with those challenges. Will we be part of the solution or part of the problem?

All of this sounds so familiar. “Be the change.” That phrase can be easy to gloss over. As Ciara said, this can all sound very familiar – sometimes a little buzzword and trivial. But that’s the point. It’s not trivial. It’s necessary and essential if we want to leave our world better than we found it.

There may be a moment where you catch yourself saying, “I’m just one person.” You’re right. You are just one. Don’t get lost in trying to create a tsunami-sized impact. Create a small ripple today, and then another one tomorrow. Be ok with that. It all adds up, and if we all do it together, we can make waves in the world.


Join Ciara and be the change. Find one way today, and another tomorrow, to be the change you want to see in the world. Do the little things, and be an encouragement to others to do the same.

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